Cartwright Genealogy

This Cartwright line begins with Thomas Peter Cartwright, Jr. and Elizabeth Shaw.

Their daughter Clarissa married John Thomas Blount.  Two of their other children, Matthew Winston Cartwright and William Peter Cartwright fought at the Battle of San Jacinto in the Texas Revolution.

Blount Family Genealogy

The Blount Family

The real expert on the Blount family line is a relative named Teri.  She has done so much research on the Blount line that you could spend a year just wading through what she has posted on

The following photo was taken at the Blount family reunion in Brady, McCulloch County, Texas in the 1960s:

This Blount line begins with:

Frederick Blount and Miorum (Mary) Koen? – (Koen may have been her maiden name, but we do not know for sure yet).  Koen is used as a middle name and even a first name in several descendants, and there are some Koen families in the census in their vicinity.

Sam Houston at the Battle of San Jacinto.

Sam Houston at the Battle of San Jacinto. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

One of his sons came to Texas and most of their family followed in the early 1800′s.  That was the family of John Thomas Blount and Clarissa Ann Cartwright.  Two of Clarissa’s brothers, Matthew and William Peter Cartwright fought at the Battle of San Jacinto in the Texas Revolution.